
Health Xpress Medical Center offers a wide range of innovative approaches and resources to assist women in maintaining healthy behaviors throughout their life.

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Routine Pap Testing

You should visit your provider at least once a year, even if you are not due for cervical cancer screening. Your yearly check-up is an excellent time to talk with your medical practitioner about your health care and express your worries.
During your appointment, you and your provider can talk about various concerns, such as sex or birth control difficulties, pelvic discomfort, or abnormal bleeding. We may also discuss STIs (sexually transmitted infections), vaccines, blood pressure monitoring, and other general medical issues.

Contraception Management

Oral contraception is the most common type of birth control. They’re composed of estrogen and progesterone, and their goal is to keep the ovaries from releasing eggs. Taking a pill every day maintains a hormone level that prevents pregnancy and alleviates severe menstrual bleeding.
Women have a wide range of birth control choices available to them. Some are more effective than others at preventing pregnancy. Your health and desire to have children now or in the future determine the type of birth control you use.
Our provider can assist you in determining which type is best for you right now!

Short-acting hormonal methods

include birth control pills, patches, injections, and vaginal rings. These approaches, which include preventing pregnancy by disrupting ovulation and fertilization, including interrupting ovulation and conception. Hormonal therapies that contain both estrogen and progestin or only progestin are types of combined hormonal contraceptives.


The NuvaRing is a flexible, bendable ring that is inserted into the vagina once every month and replaced. After being inserted, the NuvaRing remains in for three weeks before being removed for one week. If the ring is left in for an extended amount of time or if it isn’t replaced on schedule, unintended pregnancy can occur.


Menopause happens to every woman as we age. If you suspect you are premenopausal or menopausal we can run the appropriate lab work and provide counseling. Some women have discovered that changing their eating habits and increasing physical activity may help. Others may require medication to ease their symptoms.

Breast Exams

A breast examination by a health professional is an essential component of physical examinations for women. Women should receive a breast examination every year or two beginning at the age of 20 and continuing throughout their lives. If you have an extremely high risk of developing breast cancer because of your family history, your provider may recommend more clinical evaluations on a regular basis.
Breast self-awareness, clinical exams, and breast self-exams are all valuable tools for detecting breast cancer early. Clinical examinations and breast self-awareness should be used in conjunction with mammography. All three of these techniques deliver a thorough screening of the breasts. Health Xpress Medical Center can provide referrals for mammogram testing.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain in women can signal a problem with any one of the reproductive organs in the pelvic region (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina).
Possible causes of pelvic pain in women include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriage
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Ovulation
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Ovarian cysts or other ovarian disorders
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Cancer (cervix, uterus, or ovaries)

A physical examination and/or other tests are used to determine the source of pelvic discomfort. The specific testing you will have done will be determined by your consultation as well as your examination at your appointment. If you’re experiencing pelvic discomfort, you might need referrals for imaging and/or specialty care.

Abnormal Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding refers to any bleeding that occurs outside of your monthly cycles, as well as heavy or continuous bleeding. Some causes are easy to resolve, while others might signal a more significant underlying issue. If you have spotting or heavier menstrual blood flow, it’s critical to visit your provider immediately to diagnose and discuss treatment options. If you’re abnormal bleeding discomfort, you might need referrals for imaging and/or specialty care.

Primary Care
for Women!

Some medical conditions women face can be handled through primary care providers.

If needed Health Xpress will provide you with a referral to a specialist, making sure all labs, tests, and paperwork are submitted to the insurance and referring facility.

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