Spring is the enemy of pollen allergy sufferers since pollen is most widely dispersed in the air at this time. Seasonal allergies typically subside in the fall as a result of triple-digit summer temperatures. When the heat dies down, weed spores become active, spoiling outdoor activities in September and October. Ragweed is the most distressing weed because it produces more particles than other plants that cause sneezing. Sagebrush, a member of the Asteraceae family, can grow up to six feet tall and has a high amount of pollen. Sagebrush pollen, which is abundant in the fall, irritates allergy sufferers in southern Nevada and makes their symptoms worse. Mold also flourishes during this time due to our arid climate, and seasonal allergies are possible as a result.
If your allergies are bothering you and causing sinus symptoms, it’s time to see your provider about getting allergy treatment at Health Xpress Medical Center today!
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Why do so many people suffer from allergies in Nevada?
Pollen from both native and non-native plants can trigger allergy problems. When the weather is warm and dry, pollen from plants such as mulberry or European olive can be blown around. This makes it a major enemy for those who suffer from spring allergies since this time of year typically sees an increase in these triggers due to allergen levels being high during germination cycles for new trees

Allergy treatment can help you manage your symptoms and get relief. If you’re among the millions of Americans who suffer from allergies, you know how frustrating they can be.
Symptoms of allergies include sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and more. If your allergies are bothering your sinuses enough for them to cause sinus symptoms, it’s time to schedule an allergy treatment appointment with our providers at Health Xpress Medical Center.